Dynamic inputoutput balance with leading argument
Purpose and subject of researchThe paper treats the problem of building backbone trajectory equation Cauchy problem,where the backbone trajectory is a trajectory of maximum sustainable exponential growthequation.Research methodologyThis paper uses the model of Leontief "input-output" and differential equations.Value resultsThe resulting main path should be used for economic development strategic planning.ConclusionsIn this paper the dynamic input-output model that takes into account the time lag constructionand commissioning of new capacities. The existence of a single backbone path asthe trajectory of maximum sustainable exponential growth. Based on the introduction of twohypotheses about the balance of values "consumption-production" held dual dynamic analysismodel ahead of the item. Found that the line output growth and increasing prices of productsare the same, the same trajectory as expressed through the right and left vectors Frobenius.References
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Copyright (c) 2014 Igor Lyashenko, Yuriy Tadeev

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