The concept of marketing-oriented modeling of business management in the information business

  • Vladimir Kravchenko Donetsk National University
  • Vladimir Kuznetsov JSC "Prognoz-Ukraine"


Purpose and subject of researchThe aim of the article is to create a conception of modelling of informative business marketing-oriented enterprise management, which allows gross revenue of informative business enterprise maximizate during all informative product life cycle.Research methodologyUsed the methodology of the informative business marketing-oriented enterprise management.Value resultsThe main problem to be solved is to analysis of approaches to methodology of the informative business marketing-oriented enterprise management the complex of marketing-oriented models, which engulfs the complete cycle of marketing’s measures, and can be presented as modeling informative business marketing-oriented enterprise management conception.ConclusionsThe paper is constructed and studied a conception of modelling of informative business marketing-oriented enterprise management.

Author Biographies

Vladimir Kravchenko, Donetsk National University
Cand.econ.sci.,,Donetsk National University
Vladimir Kuznetsov, JSC "Prognoz-Ukraine"
JSC "Prognoz-Ukraine",director 


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Models of Management and Marketing