Gravity model the spatial distribution of money incomes
Purpose and subject of researchResolving the placement of the new center, and assess the degree of influence ofindividual centers based on the new center, provide a basis for determining the spatialstructure of sources of income and modifications of this structure prediction based on ananalysis of its probabilistic characteristics.Research methodologyThe study laid model spatial distribution of cash income.Value resultsDetection of latent structures as a tool of analysis can yield fruitful results in the studyof the behavior of the population, changes in sources of income for the statisticalinterpretation of regional differences in the consumption patterns of the population, theintensity of displacement in space, assess the conditions of life within urban areas.ConclusionsThe article proposes a gravity model the spatial distribution of money income, theoreticaland practical significance of which is to determine the spatial structure of income sourcesand forecast modifications of such a structure based on the analysis of its probability characteristics.References
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Copyright (c) 2014 Ivan Blagun, Lesya Dmytryshyn

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