Methodology aspects of innovating product promotion
Purpose and subject of researchThe purpose of research is the systematization of the methodological framework for the effective innovative product promotion to market in the shortest term with the greatest economic results.Research methodologyOptimization and simulation modeling, system analysis are the methodological basis of the research.Value resultsIn the research the problem areas of innovative enterprise operation were analysed and preconditions of innovative activity were determined. Economic and mathematical models complex, that allow to increase the efficiency of the innovating product promotion process, was developed and the relations between the proposed instruments was defined.ConclusionsMethodological approaches of innovating product promotion management that were proposed in the article are the basis of innovative development strategic plan developing. It allows to increase the enterprise competitive position, to expand the market segment and to attract the investments.Key words: innovating product promotion, systematization of the methodological framework, effective innovative product, greatest economic results.References
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