Modelling of a flexible manufacturing system with changeover between two production cycle

  • Nikolay Rumyantsev Donetsk national technical university
Keywords: queuing system, the stationary probabilities of the states of the system, the average queue length, readjustment, loss of orders, delays in the impatient customers


Purpose and subject of researchIn this paper we consider a model of a flexible manufacturing system based on the theory of queues, which itself is flexible manufacturing system is represented as a single-channel queuing system with changeover and loss requirements. It is assumed that the system input Poisson flow intensity  of orders per unit time.Research methodologyThe proposed approach to the modeling of time series is based on the methodology of multivariate analysis and continuity equation, which relates the probability density function of the state variables of the system with their speeds.Value resultsOrder processing takes place in the order of their receipt, the order processing time has exponential distribution law with parameter . The device has a feature consisting in the fact that after the processing of all orders that are in the system, it goes into an idle state and to move it into working condition necessary readjustment, which begins in a random time having an exponential distribution with parameter , and the duration of its also has exponential distribution law, but with a parameter . Requirements entering the system, as the waiting time for the changeover and the changeover time for the lost. Note that the delay in the onset of readjustment due to the fact that the company needs to put new equipment or tooling for the continuation of the process. In this case, you can save money because the repair team, performs work on installing new equipment, can be outsourced.ConclusionsFor the described characteristics of the system are found, which are used to find the basic operating parameters of the system, namely, the probability of finding equipment changeovers, likelihood of a denial of service and the average queue length.Key words: queuing system, the stationary probabilities of the states of the system, the average queue length, readjustment, loss of orders, delays in the impatient customers.

Author Biography

Nikolay Rumyantsev, Donetsk national technical university
Rumyantsev Nikolay Vasilievichdoctor of economic sciences, professor, economic cybernetics department, Donetsk national technical university(Donetsk,Ukraine)


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