Ecological economics and the problem of sustainable development: the methodology of economic cybernetics

  • Sultanahmed Ramazanov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
Keywords: ecological economics, sustainable development, mathematical modeling, synergetic processes


Purpose and subject of researchThe article aims at research and development of an integrated model of sustainable noosphere, secure and sustainable development of socio-ecological and economic processes.Research methodologyThe study used formal mathematical methods, the method of economic and mathematical modeling.Value resultsFormal mathematical methods of nonlinear science adequate to describe, analyze and simulate the decision-making processes. The dynamics of the interaction processes and interferences (ie dynamics of synergetic processes) cognitive or emotionally modes (group of essential parameters or variables) between themselves and the emotional and cognitive events with each other can be described by a system of equations of Lotka-Volterra.ConclusionsThe paper proposes an innovative model of sustainable development noosphere socio-ecological-economic and humanitarian system, generalized synergetic model dynamics with uncertainties and risks.Key words: ecological economics, sustainable development, mathematical modeling, synergetic processes.

Author Biography

Sultanahmed Ramazanov, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
doctor of economic sciences, doctor of technical sciences, professor, economic cybernetics department, Volodymyr  Dahl East Ukrainian National University(Lugansk, Ukraine)


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Theoretical and methodological problems of economic cybernetics